TBC Member Blogging

For those who don’t know, a Blog is a corruption of ‘WEB LOG’ or in simpler terms an online diary of ‘stuff’.  Well Tenbury Badminton Club Members have one and here it is.

It would be great if we could start using it for more in depth items and features alongside the shorter and sharper use of our Facebook page.  So I would like to encourage everyone to Register on the site and you will be emailed a password to post both your own entries and comments on those that are already there.

If the functionality of this site is working OK you should also arrived at this site because the Blog is setup to notify all of those members on the TBC mailing list that something has been posted, so when you post or comment on something new, everyone else will be able to follow the discussion.

So whether it is promoting a Club Event, The Rosie Christmas meal comes to mind here, tips like where it is best to get your racquet restrung and so on, do share them here.  It is also a great place to put results of the various league matches and perhaps a commentary on how the games turned out.

Any way over to you.




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